Labels:hakham | person | poster | sky | tie OCR: Nikita Khrushchev town through the Ukrainian apparatus, and eventually to Moscow. He first met Joseph Stalin ir 1925 during a Party Congr 'ess Later after he was posted Lat the age of 35 TC an industrial academy Moscow Khrushchey joined "the struogle for the Party Line against rightists parasites the c Guard In short he became a functionary what soon became the Stalirist Terror was repea tedly promoted fill vacancies left by the ind ge of his super the late Stalin rnade Khrushche. *memberof the Politburoand sent back to the Ukraine to. be Partv chief of 12 Guidemap Moscou iggle Guar becanme Stalinist epeatedl purge superiors made membe Polithuroand Part